Tag  |  community

healing confession

In 2006, confession of sin became an artistic expression. Two artists, Laura Barnett and Sandra Spannan, created an exhibit in a storefront in Manhattan, which allowed passersby to confess their sins. They sat in the storefront, dressed as 19th-century washerwomen. The words on the window read, “Air your dirty laundry. 100-percent confidential. Anonymous. Free.” Onlookers were encouraged to confess their…

community or clique?

Birds of a feather flock together. That’s why you never see a robin flying wingman in a “V” formation of geese or a crow hanging out with hummingbirds (actually, crows are mean enough that they don’t even like the company of other crows).

But we who are filled with the Holy Spirit are empowered to buck this law of nature…

who needs relationship?

Emperor Frederick carried out an isolation experiment to try and determine humanity’s original language. He reasoned that infants would eventually speak the natural tongue of humans if they were sheltered from the sound of the human voice. The infants never heard a spoken word. Wet nurses, sworn to absolute silence, were employed. Within several months, the babies all died.



Early for my lunch appointment, I was enjoying the quietness of my commute despite the bumper-to-bumper traffic. Suddenly, the ringing of my cell phone broke the silence. I answered it and heard my sister’s cheerful voice say, “I’ve been waving to you for the past 5 minutes! You must be lost in thought!” “Where are you?” I asked. “In the…

"stay together"

Gladiator tells the story of Maximus, a once-celebrated general of the northern Roman armies who was betrayed and forced into slavery. The epic film captures his rise through the gladiator ranks, eventually to avenge injustices committed against him and his family.

Moments before Maximus's first battle against a powerful, unseen foe in a Roman coliseum, he tells his fellow gladiators,…

the church has left the building

Bekah Rosie skipped church on Sunday. So did her Sunday school teacher. So did her pastor. In fact, the whole church skipped church—and got out into the community for the entire weekend, serving wherever they could: cooking and delivering meals, clearing shrubbery, giving food to the homeless.

The next Sunday, Pastor Eric Thomas told his church, "You were living church…

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